
What Services Do Estuaries And Wetlands Provide


Climatic change driven Ocean Level Rise (SLR) is creating a major global environmental crunch in littoral ecosystems, however, limited practical solutions are provided to prevent or mitigate the impacts. Here, we suggest a novel eco-engineering science solution to protect highly valued vegetated intertidal ecosystems. The new 'Tidal Replicate Method' involves the creation of a synthetic tidal regime that mimics the desired hydroperiod for intertidal wetlands. This synthetic tidal regime can then exist applied via automated tidal control systems, "SmartGates", at suitable locations. As a proof of concept study, this method was applied at an intertidal wetland with the aim of restabilising saltmarsh vegetation at a location representative of SLR. Results from aerial drone surveys and on-footing vegetation sampling indicated that the Tidal Replicate Method finer established saltmarsh onsite over a three-year period of mail-restoration, showing the method is able to protect endangered intertidal ecosystems from submersion. If practical globally, this method can protect high value coastal wetlands with similar environmental settings, including over i,184,000 ha of Ramsar littoral wetlands. This equates to a saving of US$230 billion in ecosystem services per year. This solution tin can play an of import role in the global endeavour to conserve littoral wetlands under accelerating SLR.


Vegetated intertidal ecosystems, such as mangroves and saltmarshes, are located at the interface betwixt land and sea. These ecosystems are vital to the ecological operation of estuaries and provide enormous ecosystem services1, including the provision of habitattwo, supporting commercial and non-commercial fisheries3, providing h2o storage and purificationiv, alluvion regulation5 and carbon sequestration6,vii. These services either straight or indirectly influence human well-beingness, highlighting that vegetated intertidal ecosystems are significantly valuable and economically importantviii,ix,10. At the aforementioned time, these ecosystems are among the most vulnerable environments to sea level ascension (SLR) as they are located adjacent to the open sea, accept a low-lying landscape and dumbo vegetation population11. Significant losses in intertidal ecosystems have been reported over the last decades due to human being activities12,thirteen. For case, during the period 1984–2016, approximately xvi% of the global surface area covered by intertidal flats was lost, primarily due to human activities and regionally-variable SLRxiv,fifteen,16.

Recent updated IPCC projections of global hateful SLR by 2100 range from 0.61 to i.10 m (RCP 8.5, probable range17,18) and a number of studies suggest that, due to large uncertainties in the stability of Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, scenarios of over 2 m by 2100 are within the possible rangexviii,19,twenty. The already accelerating rates of SLR21 pose a growing threat to intertidal wetlands and studies predict the submergence of 20–78% of worldwide coastal wetlands by 210022. On the contrary, a number of contempo studies suggest that increases in the global intertidal wetland area is possible under SLRsix,10,23, all the same, these potential increases rely on accretion rates (vertical) and the availability of infinite to adjust the landward (horizontal) migration of wetlands.

In many coastal settings, the horizontal migration of wetlands towards more than elevated surrounding areas is not possible due to concrete barriers, environmental weather condition, or socio-economic complexities (e.g. individual land ownership). Additionally, vertical accession rates may be limited by sediment supply or the organic thing accumulation charge per unit. While there is ongoing doubt regarding these processes, the widespread loss of valuable, healthy, vegetated intertidal ecosystems due to SLR (including many Ramsar listed wetlands of international importance) is a likely consequence in many locations24. As such, it is essential to develop a sustainable solution to preserve high value vegetated intertidal ecosystems from SLR impacts.

Current literature suggests that a major global environmental crunch in coastal ecosystems is underway, due to the loss of intertidal ecosystems, but offers express practical solutions to foreclose or mitigate the impacts12,14,25. The 4 near common options for managing the impacts of SLR on intertidal ecosystems are26,27,28,29:

  1. one.

    condition quo (maintaining existing management strategy);

  2. two.

    retreat landwards (horizontal migration);

  3. three.

    sediment supply (vertical accretion) and

  4. 4.

    protection/defense measures.

Selection one (status quo) as well considers the 'no action' strategy, which may lead to the ecosystem perishing (depending on accretion rates) as it becomes permanently inundated. Option 2 (horizontal migration) has significant uncertainty regarding the availability of space, sediment type, slope and plant physiological response6,30. This 'retreat' option is particularly challenging for ecosystems of international importance, such as Ramsar wetlands, where they are geographically fixed in a location and may be limited by the area'south topography or upland barriers. Option iii (vertical accretion) is as well associated with large uncertainties as accretion processes are highly complex and variable across space and time, including inter- and intra-almanac variations31. Past accretion rates may not exist reliable indicators of potential time to come rates, every bit they may represent a menses of significantly college or lower suspended sediment delivery in part due to historic anthropogenic activities32,33. As such, futurity accretion rates are challenging to predict. Overall, the incertitude in accretion rates, presence of concrete barriers and land management complexities, suggest both horizontal migration and vertical accession management strategies may not be a viable solution for managing high priority intertidal ecosystems nether SLR33.

In intertidal wetlands, where ecosystems are aligned with tidal overflowing patterns, futurity SLR will alter a site'south hydrology and impact existing vegetation communities26. One solution to this pressure, is to preserve the existing tidal hydrology by artificially manipulating the tidal regime. In many locations worldwide this could be achieved by implementing a synthetic tide using hydraulic control gates. While alternative methods that minimize intervention, impact and resources should be preferred, this method can exist suitable where existing intertidal ecosystems and their services are at take a chance and no other alternative is feasible.

In this report, we present an eco-engineering solution to offset SLR impacts in loftier priority intertidal ecosystems via a constructed tidal authorities. This is accomplished by assessing the existing tidal dynamics of the intertidal ecosystem of interest then replicating these conditions at a location threatened past elevated bounding main levels (Supplementary Figure i). A conceptual diagram illustrating how vegetated intertidal ecosystems tin be restored using this "Tidal Replicate Method" is presented in Fig. ane.

Figure one
figure 1

Conceptual diagram showing saltmarsh and mangrove vegetation nether (a) current conditions, (b) future SLR atmospheric condition without a solution, and (c) future SLR conditions with the Tidal Replicate Method preserving the desired vegetation. The figure was created using Adobe Illustrator 23.0.1 (

Full size image

The proposed method has the potential to preserve big areas of intertidal wetlands effectually the world in response to SLR. Focusing on Ramsar wetlands of international importance, nosotros show that this method provides a applied solution to protect many valuable intertidal wetlands from permanent alluvion, thereby potentially saving billions of dollars in ecosystem services globally. Additionally, the method has the chapters to work in conjunction with natural accretion rates providing a backup solution if the natural accretion rate is exceeded. Considering the high level of uncertainty related to the potential horizontal migration of intertidal wetlands to more than elevated adjacent lands, this eco-engineering solution could play an important role in adaptively managing the global endeavor to conserve littoral wetlands in the face of accelerating SLR over the twenty-first century.


Synthetic tidal regime

The proposed Tidal Replicate Method requires synthesising the tidal dynamics of the desired vegetated intertidal ecosystem, based on hydroperiod of the vegetation species. This involves agreement the hydroperiod conditions of an intertidal community (e.g. saltmarsh or mangroves), including the frequency, depth, and duration of flood in relation to the elevation of the area of interest. The synthesised tide tin can then be replicated onsite by installing an automated tidal control organization, which we refer to as a 'SmartGate', at the entrance of the wetland or connecting channel (Supplementary Figure ii). Through a series of water level triggers, the SmartGate imposes tidal atmospheric condition necessary to encourage the recruitment and establishment of target vegetation species.

The synthetic tidal regime is initially developed based on the existing relationship betwixt the intertidal ecosystem and the tidal dynamics. Tidal planes at the site of interest are used and analysed to calculate tidal inundation patterns (for example tidal planes for the Hunter River estuary in eastern Australia are shown in Supplementary Figure three and Tabular array 1). The aim of this analysis is to develop a human relationship between tidal ranges and vegetation species which, in plow, provides the number of tides per year that would inundate a site and the inundation depth.

The Tidal Replicate Method was practical to a study site over a period of iii years and results are presented hither. At the written report site, field survey results showed that saltmarsh is abundant above mean high water (MHW), while mangroves boss at lower elevations (Supplementary Effigy four). Saltmarsh habitats primarily occurred between MHW and the highest astronomical tide (HAT), with a 50th percentile (median) pinnacle of + 0.77 k Australian Height Datum (AHD) and a 95th percentile superlative of + 1.ane thousand AHD. Mangroves occurred throughout the whole tidal envelope, however, the 50th percentile summit of + 0.44 m AHD was observed from the selected points, with the 95th percentile elevation of + 0.89 m AHD. The ingress of some mangroves into saltmarsh communities was observed at several locations. For the report site, to maximise saltmarsh extent, topographic surveys were used to delineate between the intertidal wetland area and the chief tidal channel (crest at + 0.3 m AHD). This elevation trigger ensured that the tide could rise to 0.three m AHD onsite allowing regular h2o substitution and connectivity, without impacting the intertidal area. As such, the baseline minimal trigger was set up at a threshold of + 0.3 grand AHD (Supplementary Figure 5). Thereafter, whatsoever water levels above the 0.3 m AHD trigger were set to be indicative of saltmarsh inundation patterns.

Based on the surveys, the median tidal level for saltmarsh at reference sites was + 0.77 m AHD. Therefore, the tidal inundation regime of the reference sites was superimposed onto the study site, with + 0.3 k AHD trigger existence the base level. In other words, the tidal regime of the reference sites (with natural saltmarsh vegetation) was replicated at the study site. This resulted in a constructed tidal regime being created where h2o levels exceed + 0.3 thousand AHD 2.8% of the time (equivalent to approximately 110 tides per year exceeding + 0.three k AHD). This is equivalent to an flood frequency of h2o levels above mean bound loftier tide. To optimise the saltmarsh surface area and limit mangrove encroachment at the site, additional trigger levels (rather than a single trigger) were created based on the topography of the site and the desired tidal inundation regime (equivalent to the natural tidal regime of reference sites for saltmarsh). Table 1 provides the estimated approximate annual inundation charge per unit for the specified elevations at the written report site. These levels were successfully applied onsite via a SmartGate structure over a 3-year period (Supplementary Effigy 6). During this time, the surveyed reference sites remained saltmarsh.

Table ane Calculated annual inundation rates for diverse tidal elevations.

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Saltmarsh vegetation development/response

Aerial imagery from drone surveys indicated a positive tendency of saltmarsh vegetation extent and distribution since the Tidal Replicate Method was implemented onsite (Fig. 2a). Repeated quadrat vegetation field sampling indicated that the desired saltmarsh species were recruited namely, Sarcocornia quinqueflora, Sporobolus virgincus and Suaeda australis. Sarcocornia quinqueflora had the highest recruitment with a fifty% increase in cover (chiliadii) since the Tidal Replicate Method was implemented (from Nov 2017 to Dec 2020). Total saltmarsh vegetation cover increased from ~ 0.ii% in November 2017, to 45% in December 2020 (Fig. 2b) based on field sampling, indicating the feasibility of the method.

Effigy two
figure 2

(a) Saltmarsh vegetation development over time subsequently implementing the Tidal Replicate Method based on aerial imagery. (Ruby box in the left-manus side map indicates the area zoomed and illustrated over time.) (b) Saltmarsh vegetation surface cover development from the outset of the rehabilitation project in September 2017 based on field sampling, highlighting saltmarsh expansion as a result of the Tidal Replicate Method. Map was created using Arc-GIS 10.5 (http://world wide, photos were taken by authors and graph was created using GraphPad viii (

Total size prototype


There is limited guidance relevant to the conservation of high value intertidal wetland communities threatened by accelerating SLR26. In this study, we practical an eco-engineering solution to a threatened intertidal ecosystem and demonstrated its outcomes iii-years post rehabilitation. As desired, the site, which would take been inundated nether natural tidal conditions, has re-established saltmarsh vegetation following the implementation of the Tidal Replicate Method. This indicates that the method is feasible and should be uniform at intertidal wetlands with similar geometry (eastward.g. ane main entrance/exit channel) and shallow water levels.

The concept of controlling the tidal regime through a SmartGate hydraulic construction tin be practical to tidal wetlands regardless of their size every bit long equally they meet the geometry and purlieus weather required. For example, this concept was applied at the Ramsar listed Tomago Wetlands site in eastern Australia spanning over 400 ha with similar outcomes of saltmarsh growth and return of migratory shorebirds34. Additionally, a range of unlike physical methods delivering the same concept tin can exist used depending on the value of the ecosystem (i.e. Ramsar wetlands have loftier value). For example, avant-garde electrical gates with a larger upfront investment can be used in some locations, whereas depression price buoyant lifting gates can be used to control the hydrology onsite in other locations. In many circumstances, larger upfront costs are required where diverse risks are identified, and bottom ongoing maintenance is desired.

Retreating landwards and sediment supply are alternative methods that could potentially attain the same outcomes. Nevertheless, the method proposed here has several advantages: connectivity with the main tidal channel is preserved and no permanent (fish) barriers are installed (eastward.yard. the system is open to flushing ~ ninety% of the fourth dimension), information technology preserves onsite soil/sediment characteristics, it can be implemented onsite and modified based on accession rates, and it typically only requires 1 piece of infrastructure for its functionality (depending on the site geometry). Further, in that location is limited ongoing maintenance, it does not require large volumes of exotic strange sediment to be brought in (which could negatively affect other areas), and it does not impact the existing onsite seedbank (Supplementary Table two). However, the main do good of this method is that the constructed tidal regime can exist designed to maintain or create saltmarsh, mangrove, or mudflat ecosystems also as a specific combination of these, as desired. Additionally, it has the flexibility to adaptively manage the tidal alluvion regime over time (east.g. equally rehabilitation progresses), with varying land accession and SLR rates. It is also noteworthy that the ecosystem services (e.thou. tempest water retention, protection from tidal surge, etc.) provided by saltmarsh vegetation adult using the Tidal Replicate Method should be the same every bit saltmarsh adult under natural atmospheric condition. The chief limitation with this method, notwithstanding, is its limited applicability to intertidal ecosystems located along the open declension or in large oceanic embayments, as a channelised entrance (i.e. hydraulic command point) to the site is required to control the site's hydrology.

A comparison with retreating landwards and sediment supply methods

A comparison of the proposed method to the sediment supply and landward migration strategies highlights the value of the Tidal Replicate Method. For example, the sediment supply method involves landform building via sediment deposition and vertical accretion on areas that are under threat from SLR35. The sediment supply method requires the sediment material to be like with the material naturally found onsite and, hence, may demand to be transported from remote locations. In some cases, it requires large quantities of sediment and the procedure may be prolonged and ongoing36. Additionally, sourcing sediment may be challenging and, if dredging is required, significant pumping costs may make this procedure prohibitive. In contrast, the Tidal Replicate Method overcomes such problems past adjusting the tidal regime to promote the desired conditions onsite for a range of sea level and sediment accretion changes over time.

An alternative option for protecting vegetated intertidal ecosystems is to foster the landwards (or upslope) retreat with SLR. Recent research suggests that in the face of SLR, the provision of upslope accommodation space is more than disquisitional for the hereafter global extent of vegetated intertidal ecosystems than vertical accretion6,37,38. All the same, this may not always be a feasible option and depends on firstly, the availability of surrounding low-lying state with suitable elevation, which may exist limited by urbanisation, natural geographic boundaries, existing infrastructure and private state buying39,forty, and secondly, the political decision-making process regarding the management of these coastal areas (due east.g. sediments may not be advisable for rehabilitation and the timeframes for rehabilitation could exist beyond the timing for the wetland retreat).

The landward retreat pick is a less desirable approach as information technology tin can affect global organic soil carbon aggregating41. Existing vegetated intertidal ecosystems may be belongings millennia old blue carbon stocks that can be released if such ecosystems are degraded or lost42. Additionally, other ecosystems that provide different merely specific functions may already exist on the landward side. Landward retreat tin identify these ecosystems under threat and conservation may need to exist considered at some locations. Some sites, similar Ramsar listed wetlands, are geographically linked to a location, and cannot be moved as their boundaries are set by law. Many of these sites may have high cultural value and provide services for regional communities43 and may need to be preserved.

Global sea level rise vs accretion rate

Where upland slope retreat is not an option, the ability for any vegetated intertidal ecosystem to adapt to SLR will be largely reliant on the site's ability to maintain accretion rates in line with SLR. The global hateful SLR during the satellite altimetry menses (1993–2014) has increased at a rate of three.3 ± 0.4 mm/twelvemonth44 and SLR has been shown to accelerate at a charge per unit of 0.084 ± 0.025 mm/yr in the 25 years leading upward to 201721. Based on the IPCC's projected lower and upper-end scenarios, global SLR is expected to increase at a rate of four–9 mm/year (RCP2.6) and 10–20 mm/twelvemonth (RCP8.5), by the year 210017. Nevertheless, the potential impacts of SLR on intertidal ecosystems may be minimal if the rate of vertical accretion exceeds or maintains pace with the projected rates of SLR. In that location is currently very express information on the maximum SLR rate at which intertidal ecosystems tin can conform to SLR via accretion, without being permanently submerged.

Sediment accretion in intertidal systems is mostly associated with sediment supply, tidal alluvion and frequency, plant productivity and porewater salinity45. Sediment accession rates for intertidal saltmarsh ecosystems are reported to range from 0.3 to 0.8 mm/year for Europe, United states of america and Commonwealth of australia46, while some studies have reported up to i.3 mm/year for USA47. Accretion rates are highly variable in unlike geomorphic settings and large discrepancies exist in the literature. For example, studies have shown that saltmarsh accretion rates have not been sufficient to keep pace with SLR over the last century and accretion rates may not be able to continue pace with future SLR even under the about optimistic IPCC SLR scenario48. A recent study suggests that mangroves may non exist able to sustain sufficient accretion when relative SLR exceeds six.1 mm/year (with current sea levels expected to exceed 7 mm/twelvemonth by 2050 under loftier emissions)49. In summary, based on our understanding of electric current accretion rates and express sediment supply (partly due to anthropogenic flow attenuation via upstream structures), vegetated intertidal ecosystems are unlikely to maintain accretion with time to come SLR (i.e. resulting in widespread submergence of wetlands)vii,l. In these circumstances, the Tidal Replicate Method could be utilised to adaptively manage the tidal government in line with accretion and SLR rates.

Global implications

Ramsar convention listed littoral wetlands provide many valuable ecosystem services, even so, their value and benefits are usually underestimated51. A Ramsar wetland provides ecosystem services estimated at $194,000 ha−1 year−1 (USD)six,52. Millions of hectares of Ramsar wetlands are currently under threat from SLR and no long-term solution has been proposed or activeness taken to protect these loftier priority wetlands from being lost. The Tidal Replicate Method, where applicable, is a viable solution for protecting or preserving these ecosystems. Here, Ramsar listed wetlands worldwide were examined to decide if the Tidal Replicate Method is broadly transferrable to these wetlands. The Centre for International Earth Science Information Network (CIESIN, Columbia University, 2013) and Ramsar Convention data repository ( were used to identify Ramsar wetlands worldwide. Coastal and intertidal wetlands with a minimum elevation of 3 m (approximately equal to the higher stop SLR scenario), were filtered resulting in 480 Ramsar wetlands (from the initial 1800) in all continents. Thereafter, the geometry and geographical location of the brusque-listed sites were investigated to determine whether the Tidal Replicate Method is applicable (e.grand. each Ramsar wetland site was assessed to ensure that a unmarried channel was available to control the hydraulics). This comprehensive survey identified 32 Ramsar listed sites over vi continents that can potentially employ the Tidal Replicate Method to arrange to SLR. If an automated tidal command system (eastward.chiliad. SmartGate) is implemented at these sites, over i,184,000 ha of wetlands of international significance can be preserved from partial or full permanent inundation in response to accelerating SLR (Fig. 3). This equates to an ecosystem service savings of $230 billion USD per yr versus the status quo or no activeness strategy (Table two).

Figure iii
figure 3

Ramsar wetlands location and relative area that can potentially be preserved against SLR through the Tidal Replicate Method. Map was created using Arc-GIS ten.5 (

Total size epitome

Table two Ramsar wetlands surface area (ha) which are potentially suitable for implementing the Tidal Replicate Method and their associated almanac ecosystem services value.

Full size tabular array


SLR is threatening high priority vegetated intertidal ecosystems and unless widespread action is taken, thousands of hectares of wetland ecosystems may be lost. Currently, there is no global strategy in place to conserve or adaptively manage loftier value vegetated intertidal ecosystems. As these threats are focused on the hydrologic regime, a reasonable solution is to actively manage a site'south hydrology to ensure it can adaptively replicate the desired onsite conditions. Hither, we present an eco-engineering solution, the Tidal Replicate Method, that tin protect vegetated intertidal ecosystems by mimicking natural tidal weather. The method is based on the alluvion depth and frequency requirements of the desired vegetation type and establishes a synthetic tidal government, implemented via an automated tidal control system (SmartGate). This novel method was implemented at a test site and demonstrated positive results. The method allows the site to be adaptively managed as sea levels or net accretion rates change with time. Worldwide, nosotros estimate over 1,184,000 ha of high priority littoral wetlands can be preserved if the Tidal Replicate Method is adopted in other locations with similar settings.

Materials and methods

Study site

An intertidal temperate coastal wetland located at Kooragang Island (Hunter Wetlands National Park; − 32.866707S, 151.715561E), approximately 7 km upstream of the oceanic entrance of the Hunter River estuary, Newcastle, Australia, was called as the study site to implement the method. The Hunter River estuary is a moving ridge-dominated barrier estuary with a trained and continuously dredged entrance, subject area to a semi-diurnal tidal government with a maximum aamplitude of approximately 2 m53. The site is recognised equally a Ramsar site of international importance. The location and characteristics of the site ensure it tin be used equally an example to replicate SLR impacts. The site's (wetland) catchment is 24 hectares, low-lying (median elevation is one.2 m) and has no upstream freshwater inputs. The wetland has a single estuarine channel (known as Fish Fry Creek) that is 170 m long, 10 m wide and 1.0 m deep at low tide levelseven,54, and connects to the south arm of the Hunter River estuary. The aqueduct connects the estuary to the intertidal wetland which covers an expanse of 112,450 yardtwo. The site experiences a temperate climate and on average receives 1122 mm rainfall annually. Temperatures at the site range from xviii to 27 °C in summer (December—February) and 7 to 17 °C in winter (June – August) (Bureau of Meteorology;

In the twentieth century, levees and internal drainage were implemented in this region to create a alluvion detention organisation which resulted in tidal waters existence excluded from the wetland55. Following coastal wetland rehabilitation works at the area in the early on 2000s, tidal flow was reintroduced to the site. However, changes in the site'southward hydrology and topography favoured the expansion of mangroves, resulting in extensive loss of saltmarsh vegetation56. This change also affected the wetland ecosystem function including species habitats (refuse in migratory shorebirds and frogs)57. In all, these actions resulted in a site that nether natural atmospheric condition (e.thou. the existing tidal government) encouraged non-saltmarsh vegetation expansion and was non suitable for saltmarsh growth despite it historically being an important saltmarsh location for migratory shorebirds40,58. As such, the site was experiencing deeper tidal inundation patterns than desired, similar to that experienced with SLR, hence, making it an ideal location to trial the Tidal Replicate Method.

Vegetation meridian and tidal planes

Field campaigns were carried out between 3rd–9th Oct 2016 to survey saltmarsh and mangrove tidal range and land surface elevations at the written report site. In add-on, other reference sites, where hydrological processes were unaffected by man activity, were also sampled across the lower Hunter River estuary. Vii nearby sites were investigated across the lower estuary, including areas on Hexham Island, Kooragang Isle and Tomago Wetlands. The results from the survey were so used to decide the tidal range and topography that promotes saltmarsh vegetation growth (Supplementary Effigy four). The sediment supply rates at the study and the reference sites were known to be similar (i.e. statistically not pregnant)59. Survey points taken at each site were identified by a tagging organization and grouped based on three categories; (i) saltmarsh and (ii) upper and (three) lower bounds of mangrove stands. Over 500 points of saltmarsh and mangrove populations were surveyed at the seven sites during the field investigation. All points were surveyed to AHD using a Trimble 5800 RTK-GPS (real-time kinematic global positioning arrangement), accurate to less than ± xx mm. To generate near future fourth dimension serial tidal water elevations for the written report site to develop the synthetic tidal authorities, a calibrated hydrodynamic model of the Hunter River estuary developed by the Water Enquiry Laboratory, UNSW, Sydney was utilised60.

Digital elevation model and vegetation basis-truthing

A full of seven drone surveys over a iii-yr period were conducted at the site to determine surface superlative through photogrammetry and vegetation evolution by multispectral data. Drone surveys were conducted in Feb and October 2017, and April and Baronial 2018, and April and December 2019 and Baronial 2020. For each drone survey, an eBee RTK survey grade aeriform drone was flown over the site and the data was processed using the Pix4D advanced photogrammetry software to create a digital elevation model. A total of six basis command points were distributed around the site during each survey to increase the accurateness of the drone survey. Using the aforementioned software, a loftier resolution, geo-rectified ortho-mosaic was produced.

On-basis vegetation sampling was carried out to ground-truth drone surveys for the presence/absence of saltmarsh vegetation. There was no saltmarsh at the start of rehabilitation process. Nine field sampling events over a 3-yr flow in November 2017, February, June and November 2018, March, July and November 2019, and February and December 2020 were undertaken. Sampling was completed in the depression, eye, and higher marsh zones based on tidal inundation depth and frequency. At each zone, 25 random i chiliadii quadrats were placed to measure vegetation species and cover with 75 quadrats for the entire site. Each quadrat location was marked with GPS coordinates and marker pegs for consecutive sampling events.

Constructed tidal regime

The synthetic tidal regime was based on local estuary data and reference sites with unimpeded tidal flushing and known flushing weather. The number of tides and overflowing levels for the study site were estimated based on the relationship between tidal planes, topography, and vegetation hydrological requirements. Based on site specific topographic conditions, the base of operations water level (1st trigger level—the deepest h2o depth that stays in channel before flowing overbank) was determined. This base water level corresponded to the desired water level to exist imposed at the site (e.chiliad. the median level of saltmarsh determined based on vegetation elevation survey). The hydroperiod at the site in the synthetic tidal authorities (exceedance probability), was equal to the time water levels were higher than the equivalent level in a natural tidal government at the reference sites. The number of tides per year to reach a certain pinnacle (trigger) were estimated as the number of times water passes a trigger over the total number of tides in a twelvemonth (~ 700).

Additional trigger levels can be created to increase the control over inundation depths over time and be used to adaptively manage the tidal signal at the site (avoid the creation of non-salt marsh species that would happen naturally). Thereby, the tidal signal is artificially lowered/manipulated to generate a site-specific tidal regime within the wetland that matches the natural tidal hydroperiod observed at nearby reference sites (i.east. excludes the tidal regime that would naturally want to exist onsite). The developed synthetic tidal regime is designed such that trigger levels are equally close as possible to natural tide levels. H2o levels immediately before and after the SmartGate hydraulic structure were measured using Solinst Levelogger Border Model 3001 (Solinst Canada Ltd., Georgetown, Canada) information loggers with an accuracy of ± 5 mm to ensure desired trigger levels were accomplished.


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We appreciate the authoritative and logistical support by Philip Reid and Hayley Ardagh from the Newcastle Coal Infrastructure Group (NCIG). Funding for this research was provided past the University of New South Wales (UNSW, Sydney) and NCIG which is hereby best-selling. Nosotros also thank graphic designer Anna Blacka from UNSW Sydney's Water Research Laboratory for her assistance with the preparation of Fig. 1.

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Grand.Due south. drafted the original manuscript, adult the constructed tidal regime, and prepared figures. W.Grand. supervised the project. W.G., Chiliad.S. and D.R. designed the methods. 1000.South. and D.K. conducted the global Ramsar wetlands synthesis and analysis. V.H. conducted global analysis of wetland tidal ranges. Yard.S., C.R and C.D. carried out field surveys. Westward.G., D.K., 5.H., T.M., and A.C. contributed to interpretation and give-and-take of the results and writing/editing the manuscript.

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Correspondence to Mahmood Sadat-Noori.

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Sadat-Noori, M., Rankin, C., Rayner, D. et al. Coastal wetlands tin be saved from bounding main level ascent by recreating past tidal regimes. Sci Rep eleven, 1196 (2021).

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